Epiphone el 00 vs 225646-Epiphone el-00 vs review

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 Posted From what I can find out, the EL00 is cheaper than the Loar Both are made overseas in China I believe Yes, they are both made in China Maybe the list price is different, but Thomann, a German web seller, is selling them for a very similar price, 199€ the Loar and 9€ the EpiEpiphone EL00 VS Smaller Bodied Acoustic Guitar – Used Local pick up is free Shipping costs combined and discounted when you purchase multiple items Picks and strings ship for free to the continental US If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email the store Guitars ship for a flat fee of $75 to the continental United States

Epiphone el-00 vs review

Epiphone el-00 vs review-Free shipping for many products!Vintage Sunburst EL00 is a model from Epiphone`s Small Body series of acoustic and acousticelectric guitars It comes with a 00shaped body with a noncutaway design Back and side panels on this model are made of mahogany, while the top is made of spruce This is one of the most common combinations among acoustic guitars

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 The Epiphone EL00 Pro is a parlor guitar that promises a classic bluesy tone and comfortable playing The EL00 Pro also puts a strong emphasis on value, as most Epiphone guitars do Despite being fairly affordable, the EL00 does stand up reasonably well against top models like the Cordoba C10 and Larrivee P09Built with a parlour body shape and featuring a solid spruce top, the Epiphone EL00 Pro is a great acoustic guitar for any performing musician It's extreme Ok, all you Gibson Blues King owners, and you Epiphone EL00 owners out there I need to know something I know the Gibson BK and the Epiphone EL00 are kind of similiar guitars, but also alot different obviously I am looking for a small guitar like that, and was wondering if the Gibson BK is worth the extra money over ther Epi EL00

A blues legend plugs in with the Fishman™ Sonitone™ and Sonicore™ System The Epiphone EL00 PRO Acoustic/Electric guitar is a direct descendent of Epiphone's more original line of flattops going back to the golden age of acoustic guitars in the 1930s The smaller"parlor" or"blues box" style acoustic guitar is favored by blues players of all eras for its compressedDiscover Epiphone's variety of acoustic guitars, electric guitars, basses, and merchandise Crafted for every player and For Every Stage since 1873 The primary difference between the Epiphone and one of its forebears is a pronounced highmid sheen Hard strummers will probably find the EL00 too brash in the midrange, and really attacking the guitar with a flatpick generates some of the strident highmid blur that can belie an inexpensive guitar's pedigree—this definitely isn't the guitar you'll want to

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 Like the original L00, the EL00 Pro sounds much larger and bolder than its small body suggests Its bass is big but not overwhelming, allowing the mids and treble to share equal sonic stature The Fishman Sonicore pickup and Sonitone preamp deliver warm, rich acoustic tone that perfectly complements the EL00 Pro's vintage vibe, which make this guitar a natural choiceHttp//wwwpremierguitarcom/Magazine/Issue/13/Jun/Epiphone_EL_00_Pro_Acoustic_Guitar_Reviewaspx Premier Guitar's Premier Guitar's Jason Shadrick demos Ep

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